
Salem Area Historical Society (SAHS) started a project in 2016 to review, organize, and digitize its archives.  This has been a volunteer effort by its members who have been meeting on a regular basis to review and organize the SAHS archives located in the South Salem Stone School.  If you are interested in joining them, please send a note to

Another way to help is identify those in photographs that are currently unknown and send that information to SAHS.  To see the current photograph click PHOTOGRAPH IDENTIFICATION.

Also, SAHS collaborated with Eastern Michigan University to have an Historic Preservation graduate student assist SAHS in the digitizing of its archives.  The following is a summary of the help that Salem Area Historical Society has received from EMU Grad Students:

EMU Grad Student Start Date End Date # of Items
Abigail Jeske 6/10/2016 1/22/2017 43
Jane Henry 6/1/2017 12/15/2017 375
Matthew Goldberg 9/5/2018 4/21/2019 1476
Alex Whydell 1/4/2020 4/13/2021 1520

This digitizing is documented in a Microsoft Excel file with eight worksheets.   Three of these are available below as .PDF files.

The Salem Area Historical Society Archive Database – Elements YYYY MM DD file defines the elements (terms) used within each entry (row) of digitized items in the archive database.

The Salem Area Historical Society Archive Database – Type  YYYY MM DD file lists all current types (categories) being used to organize and sort content in the archive database.

The Salem Area Historical Society Archive Database YYYY MM DD file shows cataloged entries for archival materials already digitized. Each entry (row) represents one digitized item. This is a searchable pdf file (using CTRL + F).  Each entry has a small picture (thumbnail) of the first page of the digitized item.  The actual digitized file is not available online.  If you find an entry that is of interest to you and would like to see the digitized file or the original item, please contact SAHS through an email request to

Salem Area Historical Society Archive Database – Elements 2021 04 13

Salem Area Historical Society Archive Database – Type 2021 04 13

Salem Area Historical Society Archive Database 2021 04 13

Video Archives

Link to the April 2023 Interview about the Salem Area Historical Society

Link to the February 2023 Interview about the Salem Area Historical Society

Link to the October 2022 Interview about the Salem Area Historical Society