Historical Marker Plaza

State of Michigan Historical Marker Plaza

On July 14, 2024, the Salem Area Historical Society (SAHS) dedicated its Historical Marker Plaza, with a replica Tower for the former School Bell, to all of the students, teachers, parents and administrators of the South Salem Stone School District #3, and to John Dickerson and all of the settlers who infused this wilderness with the Spirit of Salem.

This dedication was a culmination of a multi-year effort by the Salem Area Historical Society.  After the society’s Historical Marker Subcommittee researched and compiled documentation on the South Salem Stone School and the Dickerson Barn, it submitted an application in 2020 to the Michigan Historic Commission for a double-sided State of Michigan Historical Marker.  Following more research, communications, and meetings, the Michigan Historic Commission approved a marker for both buildings in 2022.  The final text for the marker was approved in February of 2023.  The marker was manufactured and delivered in late 2023.

While the application was being developed and eventually approved, the subcommittee designed a plaza for the Historical Marker to be built in the Salem Area Historical Society’s Jarvis Stone School Historic District, which includes both the South Salem Stone School and the Dickerson Barn.  Besides the Historical Marker, the plaza includes brick pavers, a replica bell tower of the one that was once on the South Salem Stone School, a flagpole, and two stone benches.  In 2023, the Salem Area Historical Society requested and received approval from the Washtenaw County Historic District Commission for the plaza and the society initiated a fundraising campaign to cover the cost of the plaza that was supported by the SAHS Members, the Salem community, and local businesses.  As funds became available, the plaza was started in 2023 and completed in June of 2024.

As the effort to acquire the Historical Marker and build the plaza was nearing completion, the Historical Marker Subcommittee decided a dedication ceremony was appropriate and started the planning for such an event.  The event was planned to thank all of those who contributed to the acquisition of the historical marker and to the building of the plaza as well as to remember those who built and used the South Salem Stone School and the Dickerson Barn. 

The event started outdoors at 2 pm on Sunday, July 14, 2024, in and near the new plaza and conclude with a light lunch and refreshments in the South Salem Stone School.  A canopy and chairs were set up for those attending.  An event program was created and distributed to those attending.

Under mostly cloudy skies, the dedication began with the ringing of the school tell in the Bell Tower.  Terry Cwik, the President of the Salem Area Historical Society was the Emcee and started with the Welcome Address and Introductions.  This was followed by the raising of the American flag and the society’s flag on the plaza’s new flagpole by Bryan Wirthlin, Vice President of the society.  Terry then lead the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the Start-Spangled Banner. 

Brian Egen, Commissioner and President of the Michigan Historical Commission addressed the gathering on the value of a State of Michigan Historical Marker and the justification required for it.  His address was followed by Terry Cwik detailing some of the history of the South Salem Stone School and the Dickerson Barn as well as the Society’s approval process for the marker.

At this point, Suzanne DiMilia, Treasurer of the SAHS, and Susan Bejin Geary, Historical Marker Subcommittee member, unveiled the Historical Marker by removing the burlap that was covering it.   Terry Cwik then read the marker text for the Dickerson Barn followed by the marker text for the South Salem Stone School.   After the reading, the attendees enjoyed a singing of “America The Beautiful.”  The outdoor portion of the dedication was concluded with a ringing of the tower’s school bell by first Brian Egen and then Terry Cwik.

All attendees were invited to view the Dickerson Barn, its murals, and its Salem Farming History Exhibit before or after enjoying a light fare and refreshments in the South Salem Stone School.  The dessert was two cakes.  Each was decorated depicting one side of the double-sided Historical Marker.

This dedication was the conclusion of a multi-year effort to document and preserve the history of the South Salem Stone School and the Dickerson Barn for present and future generations.  The event itself and the effort to acquire the State of Michigan Historical Marker and to build the plaza are commemorated by two plaques that are mounted on the Bell Tower in the plaza.  The marker and the plaza will be maintained by the Salem Area Historical Society to honor the past and to inspire future generations.

Historical Marker Plaza Donors

  • Platinum
  • County Material Corporation
  • Rock Shoppe
  • Salem Tool
  • Dul, Aznavorian, and Mily Families
  • Margaret DiPonio
  • GFL – Arbor Hills Landfill
  • AA Anchor Bolt
  • Marcia Van Fossen & Elwood London
  • Gold
  • Community Foundation of Plymouth
  • Domino’s Pizza
  • Anonymous
  • Bryan & Kristina Wirthlin
  • In Memory of Mary Staebler, Teacher 193X-Y (Linda, Judy, David)
  • Silver
  • Rocket Enterprise, Inc.
  • Terry Cwik & Diane Holmes
  • In Memory of James Albert Brown (Marcella)
  • Brian & Jennifer Debler
  • Gary & Sherry Whittaker
  • Northville Lumber Co.
  • Alumitect Industries
  • Plymouth Salem Storage
  • Other
  • Gardner-Westcot Company
  • Anonymous
  • Dave Herriman
  • Costco Wholesale #391
  • Fox Hills Golf – William Durham
  • In Memory of Don Riddering (Thomas Shaver )
  • Dave Asher
  • Jane Trostle
  • Linus & Karen Drogs
  • Ann Donoghue
  • Darlene Imus
  • Robert & Beverly Waite
  • Home Depot – Plymouth
  • Sue Bejin
  • Walton Construction Co.

Plymouth Observer Article