Jarvis Stone School Historic District

At the June 5, 2013 Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners’ Meeting, the Washtenaw County Ordinance to make the Jarvis Stone School the 13th Washtenaw County Local Historic District was unanimously passed by the WCBOC.  This was the last step in the 2-year-long process.  The report that made this possible can be viewed by clicking on this link:  JSS_Study_Comm_Report_2013_05_01

South Salem Stone School – 1857

Dickerson Barn – 1830

We are pleased and proud to announce that the Salem Area Historical Society’s Dickerson Barn was named “Barn of the Year” for 2021 in the Non-Profit—Adapted to Other Uses Category by the Michigan Barn Preservation Network (MBPN).   History of Dickerson Barn

Historical Marker Plaza – 2024

We are pleased and proud to announce that the Salem Area Historical Society was approved for a State of Michigan Historical Marker and dedicated it and its associated plaza on July 14, 2024.


The Jarvis Stone School Historic District is available for rental in whole or in portions (School, Barn and Yard, or Yard).
The Salem Area Historical Society has established a Rental Policy for its Historic District.
Use these links for that rental policy and form:
SAHS Rental Policy and Agreement
and SAHS Rental Form.
For more information send an email to Salem_Area_HS@yahoo.